IT teenused IT haldus ja IT tugi Euroopas. Riist- ja tarkvara müük

IT teenused, IT haldus, IT tugi, IT hooldus, HP, Dell, Lenovo, Synology, Dahua, PowerWare, Microsoft, F-Secure, Eset, Unifi, Ubiquity müük

Oleme kogenud IT-spetsialistide meeskond, kes on pühendunud tippkvaliteediga tehnilise toe ja lahenduste pakkumisele ettevõtetele.

Meie teenuste hulka kuuluvad:

  • Arvuti ja võrgu tõrkeotsing
  • Pilveteenused ja integratsioon
  • Viiruste ja pahavara eemaldamine
  • Andmete taastamine ja varundamine
  • Riist- ja tarkvara paigaldus ja hooldus
  • Veebilehe kujundus ja arendus
  • Kasutajatugi ja IT haldus
  • Erilahenduste disain ja teostamine

Oleme uhked oma kiire reageerimisaja ja personaalse lähenemise üle klienditeenindusele. Ükskõik, kas vajate abi ühekordse probleemi või pideva toe korral, meil on teile lahendus.

Alustamiseks võtke meiega lihtsalt telefoni või e-posti teel ühendust ja üks meie tehnikutest aitab teid. Pakume paindlikku ajakava ja konkurentsivõimelist hinda vastavalt teie vajadustele.

Täname, et arvestasite meiega oma IT-teenuste vajadustega. Ootame teiega koostööd!

Visioline on infotehnoloogia rakendamise ja innovaatiliste projektidega tegelev ettevõte, peamiseks tegevusvaldkonnaks IT teenused, peatöövõtt ning IT juhtimine.

IT teenustes peame oluliseks tähtaegadest kinnipidamist ja väärtustame kokkuleppeid. Kliendilojaalsus on tähtsaim põhiväärtus. Panustame, et tagada klientide rahulolu ja lahenduste kvaliteeti. Pakume terviklikke IT lahendusi ja abistame kõigis arvuteid ning infosüsteeme puudutavates küsimustes. Pakutavad IT teenused  : IT haldus, IT hooldus ja IT tugiteenuseid. Oleme juurutanud ITIL standardi järgi sertifitseeritud IT teenuste haldamise süsteemi.

Visioline Infra introduction, short, in English:

Providing IT maintenance and services all over Estonia is our main activity. We offer holistic IT solutions and provide assistance in all issues related to computers and information systems. To provide our clients with good and timely services, we have implemented Service Management System certified according to ITIL standard!

  • At our company, we provide professional IT services to businesses and individuals seeking reliable and efficient support for their technology needs.
  • Our team of certified technicians has the expertise and experience to handle a wide range of IT issues, from computer and network troubleshooting to virus and malware removal to data recovery and backup.
  • We pride ourselves on our quick response times and personalized approach to customer service, ensuring that you receive the support you need in a timely and effective manner.
  • Whether you need help with a one-time issue or ongoing support, we have the tools and resources to provide the solutions you need to keep your technology running smoothly.
  • Our company specializes in Microsoft 365 solution management, providing expert support and guidance to businesses looking to optimize their use of the platform.
  • Our team of certified professionals has extensive experience working with Microsoft 365, ensuring that your organization can fully leverage its features and capabilities.
  • From deployment and configuration to ongoing maintenance and support, we offer a full range of Microsoft 365 solution management services to meet your specific needs.
  • With our comprehensive approach, we can help you maximize the productivity and efficiency of your team, enhance collaboration and communication, and keep your data and systems secure.
  • At our company, we value the loyalty of our clients and work hard to earn and maintain their trust.
  • We understand that the success of our business depends on the satisfaction of our clients, and we strive to exceed their expectations with every interaction.We take a personalized approach to customer service, ensuring that each client receives the attention and support they need to achieve their goals.
  • By building strong, long-term relationships with our clients, we are able to consistently deliver high-quality services that meet their unique needs and requirements.